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Kevin Kelly Headshot

Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly is the Educational Advisor at the Association of College and University Educators. He serves as a Lecturer in Education at San Francisco State University, where he has taught graduate and undergraduate classes since 1999, and has taught at Santa Clara University as well. Throughout almost 20 years in higher education, Kelly has advanced and supported professional development efforts for higher education faculty and campus leaders.


Pre-Conference Workshop: Online Teaching Strategies for In-Person and Flexible (Multimodal) Courses

Emergency remote teaching and online teaching throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us many ways to connect with our students and help them to learn. As we begin to transfer back to face-to-face courses, it is important to consider incorporating online tools and strategies. In this pre-conference workshop, you will learn strategies that will take your onsite course to a whole new level. Join Kevin Kelly on Thursday, Jan 6th from 9:30-11:30AM. Participants will receive a copy of Kevin's new book with Todd Zakrajsek, autographed by both authors. Limited to 25 participants.

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