Integrating Epidemiology into a Cultural Fest: A Student-Led Project To Showcase Cultural Health
Mariem Hathout, Aurora University
1. Understand the Integration of Curriculum and Co-Curriculum: gain insights into how curricular knowledge in epidemiology can be applied through co-curricular fun activities and apply learning outside class.
2. Enhance Awareness of Cultural Health Disparities: integrate cultural competency into a health science based class, showcasing cultural health informed by epidemiological data.
3. Appreciate the Role of Data in any co-curricular event: learn how visualizing epidemiological data (e.g., graphs, statistics) can effectively communicate public health issues and advocate for change in diverse communities.
Epidemiology, Cultural Competency, Student Engagement
Key Statement:
Integrating epidemiological concepts with cultural competency in healthcare, featuring data-driven group projects, showcased at Aurora university Cultural Fest, fostering student engagement, interdisciplinary learning, and enhancing intersection of Curriculum and Co-Curriculum activities.
This project assignment bridges classroom learning with real-world applications by integrating epidemiology and cultural competency.
Through 'Cultural Health' poster presentations at Aurora University yearly Cultural Fest, students explored health disparities using data-driven visuals like graphs and charts to create posters and educate the AU community and beyond. This approach not only deepens their understanding of public health issues but also enhances group work, cultural awareness, public speaking and communication skills, equipping students to effectively engage diverse audiences and apply theoretical knowledge in meaningful ways.
By combining curricular and co-curricular activities, this motivated students to connect their studies to real-world challenges.