Implementing Immediate Formative Pre-Feedback in Clinical Procedures for Dental Students
Anastassis Kozanitis, University of Quebec in Montreal
Miriam De Jesus Arellanos Tafur, Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
1. Increase their formative assessment tool box with an innovative method.
2. Contribute to their students self-efficacy and self-confidence.
3. Contribute to their students metacognition and learning outcomes.
Immediate Pre-Feedback, Perceived Usefulness, Self-Confidence
Key Statement:
The immediate pre-feedback method promotes rigorous preparation, changes in study habits, and fosters deep learning, increasing student self-confidence.
In this poster presentation, we analyze the perceived usefulness of a tool designed to provide immediate cognitive and metacognitive formative feedback prior to clinical procedures for dental students. We also analyze the effect of this tool on students' sense of personal efficacy and self-confidence.
Data were collected through a self-declarative questionnaire with 27 questions covering the following dimensions:
-Perceived Usefulness of the course
-Perceived usefulness of the feedback method
- Personal Efficacy
- Self-Confidence
Participants expressed an extremely positive perception of all four variables, including their view of the usefulness of the course and the feedback tool, as well as their sense of personal efficacy and self confidence.
One of the most notable effects is the increase in self-confidence that students experience. This boost in confidence is attributed to the thorough preparation required by the feedback technique, as well as the immediate support provided during the learning process. One of the limitations of the study is that the sample size is small, consisting of a specific group of students, which may not be representative of the entire student population.

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Q&A with Presenters / Poster Reception
Thursday, January 9th, 2025
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Hosted bar + light hors d'oeuvres served.
Name badge required
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