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Debugging a Design Through Paired Learning

Presented by:

Andie Day, Belmont University

Two students “debug a design” by role-playing a designer and a technician to succeed in creating a more fully realized, manufacturable fashion design.

Debugging a Design Through Paired Learning


Conceptualizing, designing, and creating are all important parts of the design process for fashion design students. However, students often begin to create a garment before considering the constraints of construction, resulting in a product that is misaligned with the original design intention.
In a class activity titled “Debugging the Design,” inspired by the process software engineers use to fix a piece of broken code, two students work together to role-play the professions of designer and technician. By discussing the product’s construction, materials, and user experience, the two students succeed in creating a more realized, constructible fashion design.


Creative Problem-Solving, Collaborative Learning, Role-Playing


Comprehend the interconnectedness between conceptualizing, designing, and constructing creative projects.
Recognize the significance of considering constraints early in the design process and how neglecting this aspect can lead to misalignment with the original design intent.
Acquire insights into the practical implementation of role-playing techniques to encourage cross-disciplinary communication, helping students bridge the gap between creative design and technical execution.

Hear it from the author:

Debugging a Design Through Paired LearningAndie Day, Belmont University
00:00 / 01:10

Audio Transcript:


Ban, L. (2023). Inspired: Exploring creative pedagogies at the early stage of the fashion design process. Art and Design Communication in Higher Education, 22(1), 69–87. 

Lee, S. H., & Hoffman, K. D. (2014). The "iron inventor": Using creative problem solving to spur student creativity. Marketing Education Review, 24(1), 69–74.

Oh, K. (2017). Integrating creative problem solving into the field of fashion education. Fashion Industry and Education, 15(1), 59–65. 

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